Explore New Zealand

Businesses in New Zealand where all are welcome

Check out people just like you, doing great things. Support kind, local businesses.

How AllWelcome Works


This site is designed to help people who believe in the freedom of choice and association.
It’s here to help people connect via P2P (peer to peer) e-commerce because I know it can be daunting getting your business out there at the best of times, let alone under the gun.

If you have a business or service and want to serve all people and have figured out how you can safely conduct business then go for it, add your listing.

If you’re a business that is forced to turn away people due to the ‘order’, then figure out how you can make it work and list here.
I know many of you are in a hard place too and we’re not here to bicker amongst ourselves.

1- Claim Your Listing

To get started click the Add Listing button in the Header

2- Populate your Listing

Add information about what you offer, your schedule and any info you'd like to share with customers. Watch this video to find out how.

3- Take / Manage Bookings

Lead forms and Free Booking Engine are live. Booking engine that allows you to take paid bookings, coming soon. If you'd like to sell products, please message shop@windowtints.co.nz , if there's enough demand I'll spool up a marketplace.